The Nursery2019-05-01T17:10:16+01:00

At Bressana Bottarone, among all the nurseries in the area, ours is one of the largest, in fact the surface used as a nursery is well 28,000 sq. m. Conceived with the natural needs of arboreal essences, with the realization of an adequate automatic irrigation system with drip and water atomation.

It is constituted and represented by plants and ornamental essences reflecting the stain
Mediterranean, for the most part large, with a view to giving a product of

On the ground floor on 800 sqm, the production and sale of perennial plants is developed, both indoor and outdoor, and display and sale of specimens of succulent plants.
In the outside of the greenhouse are distributed paths that with the scenography and furnishings, make the setting extremely relaxing and enjoyable, becoming a place of conversation and the opportunity for fun.

The spirit of communication is to exploit the opportunity of a welcome visit to verify in person the authenticity of the project of our ideas. If you have visited other Nurai, you will certainly be thrilled to see our creation, in a triumph of colors and scents that will help you in choosing your favorite plants or flowers to beautify and perfume your home and your garden.
As we said, among the nurseries in Bressana Bottarone We think we are one of the best, with a cozy structure and a really big exhibition space, come and visit us to see with your eyes our nursery.

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